

A Fool And His Money Are Easily Parted

ตัวอย่างHow is it that you left home with 20 dollars but you come home with nothing? A fool and his money are easily parted!


  • A Fool And His Money Are Easily Parted แปลว่า?, สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษ A Fool And His Money Are Easily Parted ตัวอย่าง How is it that you left home with 20 dollars but you come home with nothing? A fool and his money are easily parted!


A Bed Of Roses A Chip On Your Shoulder A Fan Of His A Lick Of Work A Little Bit Act High And Mighty Dropping A Brick Expecting A Child Following In His Footsteps In The Money Like Two Peas In A Pod Weed Someone Or Something Out

หาคำศัพท์ไม่เจอ หรือยังไม่เห็นคำที่ต้องการ?


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