ค้นเจอ 82 รายการ


หมายถึงน. พิธีกรรมในศาสนาคริสต์ นิกายโรมันคาทอลิก เพื่อระลึกถึงพระเยซูที่ทรงสั่งเสียสาวกขณะที่รับประทานอาหารมื้อสุดท้าย โดยสัญญาว่า เมื่อประกอบพิธีแบ่งขนมปังดังที่พระองค์กระทำ พระองค์จะเสด็จมาประทับร่วมด้วยทุกครั้ง. (ล. missa; อ. mass).

a long sticky mass like mucus that runs from the nose or silver that drops when it is melted by the heat




แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Small particles which have a negligible settling velocity. These particles have a very small mass so gravitational force is low compared to surface frictional forces. Typical colloidal sizes range from 10-3 mm to 1 mm.


แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The deposit of a gray scum or gray dust on the inside surface of a subgrade wall or floor; as the result of moisture moving through the concrete and washing certain chemicals from the concrete mass.

Flocculant settling

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Settling in which particle concentrations are sufficiently high that particle agglomeration occurs. This results in a reduction in the number of particles and an increase in average particle mass. As agglomeration occurs higher settling velocities result.

Secondary treatment

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) In wastewater treatment, the conversion of the suspended, colloidal and dissolved organics remaining after primary treatment into a microbial mass with is then removed in a second sedimentation process. Secondary treatment included both the biological process and the associated sedimentation process.


แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The ability of a material or product to reduce or eliminate gaseous transmissions through it's mass; measured as the rate of Water Vapor Transmission (WVT). Note: Not all materials that are waterproof are vaporproof; all materials that are vaporproof are inherently waterproof.


แปลว่า(english) An attractive force between two objects; each object accelerates at a rate equal to the attractive force divided by the object's mass. Objects near the surface of the earth tend to accelerate toward the earth's center at a rate of ; this value is often called the gravitational constant and denoted as g.

Inertial Force:

แปลว่า(english) A fictitious force used for convenience in visualizing the effects of forces on bodies in motion. For an accelerating body, the inertial force is considered as a body force whose resultant acts at the object's center of gravity in a direction opposite the acceleration. The magnitude of the force is the mass of the object times the magnitude of the acceleration.

Potential Energy:

แปลว่า(english) The energy stored in a raised object (e.g. the weights in a grandfather clock). Potential energy equals mgh, where m is mass, g is the acceleration of gravity, and h is the vertical distance from a reference location. It is called potential energy because the energy can be regained when the object is lowered. This type of potential energy is sometimes called gravitational potential energy in order to distinguish it from elastic potential energy: see elastic energy.