ศัพท์ช่างภาษาอังกฤษ – ไทย


Secondary treatment

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) In wastewater treatment, the conversion of the suspended, colloidal and dissolved organics remaining after primary treatment into a microbial mass with is then removed in a second sedimentation process. Secondary treatment included both the biological process and the associated sedimentation process.


  • Secondary treatment แปลว่า?, คำศัพท์ช่างภาษาอังกฤษ - ไทย Secondary treatment คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษ Secondary treatment แปลว่า (Environmental Engineering) In wastewater treatment, the conversion of the suspended, colloidal and dissolved organics remaining after primary treatment into a microbial mass with is then removed in a second sedimentation process. Secondary treatment included both the biological process and the associated sedimentation process.

 คำศัพท์ช่างภาษาอังกฤษ - ไทยที่คล้ายกัน

Advanced wastewater treatment canal, secondary heat treatment Primary treatment secondary beam secondary coil secondary consolidation secondary current secondary electrons secondary main side valve water treatment

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