ค้นเจอ 515 รายการ





แปลว่าซึ่งงุนงง, ซึ่งสับสน


pour oil on troubled waters

แปลว่าพยายามแก้ปัญหา, พยายามยุติความรุนแรง


chilled water thermostat


Bake Hardenable Steel

แปลว่า(english) A cold-rolled, low-carbon sheet steel used for automotive body panel applications. Because of the steel’s special processing, it has good stamping and strength characteristics and after paint is baked on, improved dent resistance.

enameled wire

แปลว่าลวดสายไฟที่หุ้วฉนวนปกติทั่ว ๆ ไปใช้หุ้มด้วยฝ้ายสำลีหรือไหม

Blast Furnace

แปลว่า(english) 1) A furnace in which solid fuel (limestone, coke, iron ore) is combined with high-pressure, hot air blast (120,000 psi) to smelt ore in a continuous process (They are never stopped. They can be slowed down or idled). A Blast Furnace in the iron and steel industry is used to produce liquid iron.

Box Annealing

แปลว่า(english) Annealing a metal or alloy in a sealed container under conditions that minimize oxidation. In box annealing a ferrous alloy, the charge is usually heated slowly to a temperature below the transformation range, but sometimes above or within it, and is then cooled slowly; this process is also called close annealing or pot annealing.


แปลว่า(english) An accident caused by the failure of the walls of the hearth of the furnace resulting in liquid iron or slag (or both) flowing uncontrolled out of the blast furnace.

knurled adjusting screw


embattled walls


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