ค้นเจอ 153 รายการ

Basket Screen

แปลว่า(english) A first stage in-line water filter for water delivered from the New Blowing Room Pump Room to the Blast Furnace. The strainer contains an electric-driven rotary sieve that catches particulates and prevents them from entering the water system.


แปลว่า(english) Chemical Symbol Zn. Element No. 30 of the periodic system; atomic weight 65.38. Blue-white metal; when pure, malleable and ductile even at ordinary temperatures; melting point 787 (degrees) F.; boiling point 1665 (degrees) F., specific gravity 7.14. Can be electrodeposited; it is extensively used as a coating for steel and sheet zinc finds many outlets, such as dry batteries, etc. Zinc-base alloys are of great importance in die casting. Its most important alloy is brass.

Change control

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) an umbrella process that enables a project team to accept, evaluate, and act on changes in a systematic manner


แปลว่า(english) The level of pressure on the return or downstream side of a device or system.

System of Forces:

แปลว่า(english) One or more forces and/or moments acting simultaneously.

Aspect-oriented development

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) a development approach that emphasizes "concerns" (also called "aspectual requirements" that incorporate features, functions and information content) that cut across multiple system functions

metric system


single unit syslem

แปลว่าระบบไฟฟ้าสำหรับรถยนต์ ซึ่งประกอบด้วยมอเตอร์ไดนาโมและจานจ่ายไฟประสานงานร่วมกัน

The system's down at the moment


transmission system


Information System

แปลว่าระบบข้อมูล, ข่าวสาร

the third tonal marker of Thai writing system represented by ๗
