ค้นเจอ 31 รายการ

foldable screens at the four posts of the funeral pyre



four ministers of the ancient government : Interior Royal, Household, Finance, Agriculture



the four necessities of a Buddhist monk: food, raiment, abode and medicine



the Four Blessing; 1. Age (long life); 2. Skin (tender complexion); 3. Happiness (mental happiness); 4. Health ( good health)



A Elevation

แปลว่า(English) The top level of the boiler firebox where four oil guns are located. The oil guns are used to produce steam and maintain pressure while the boiler is on oil fire.

Corrosive waste

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A waste that is outside the pH range of 2 to 12.5 or a waste that corrodes steel at a rate greater than 6.35 mm (0.25 in) per year. One of EPA's four hazardous waste properties.

Reactive waste

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A waste which; 1) reacts violently with water, 2) forms potentially explosive mixtures with water, 3) is normally unstable, 4) contains cyanide or sulfide in sufficient quantity to evolve toxic fumes at high or low pH, 5) is capable of exploding if heated under pressure, or 6) is an explosive compound listed in Department of Transportation (DoT) regulations. One of EPA's four hazardous waste properties.