ค้นเจอ 13 รายการ

clear distance




sight distance


edge distance


long distance telephone


clear span

แปลว่าระยะห่างระหว่างริมในของเสาถึงเสา หรือระหว่างกำแพงถึงกำแพง

clear well


clear stuff



แปลว่า(english) A system of forces composed of two equal forces of opposite direction, offset by a distance. A couple is statically equivalent to a moment whose magnitude equals the magnitude of the force times the offset distance.

Normal strain:

แปลว่า(english) Strain measuring the intensity of deformation along an axis. Normal strain is usually denoted by . Average normal strain between two points is calculated as (Delta L / L), where L is the original distance between the points, and L is the change in that distance. Normal strain is often simply called strain.


แปลว่า(english) A property of a body related to its ability to move a force through a distance opposite the force's direction; energy is the product of the magnitude of the force times the distance. Energy may take several forms: see kinetic energy, potential energy, and elastic energy.

Section Modulus:

แปลว่า(english) A property of a cross sectional shape, which depends on shape, and orientation. Section modulus is usually denoted S, and S = I/c, where I = moment of inertia about an axis through the centroid, and c is the distance from the centroid to the extreme edge of the section.

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