ค้นเจอ 561 รายการ

Box Annealing

แปลว่า(english) Annealing a metal or alloy in a sealed container under conditions that minimize oxidation. In box annealing a ferrous alloy, the charge is usually heated slowly to a temperature below the transformation range, but sometimes above or within it, and is then cooled slowly; this process is also called close annealing or pot annealing.


แปลว่า(english) The amount, expressed as a ratio, of particles in a fluid stream upstream of a filter, after the fluid posses through a filter, divided by the amount of particles downstream, for a particular size particle.


แปลว่า(english) An accident caused by the failure of the walls of the hearth of the furnace resulting in liquid iron or slag (or both) flowing uncontrolled out of the blast furnace.

Portland Blast- slag Cement Furnace (ASTM C 595)

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The product obtained by intimately intergrinding or an intimate and uniform blending a mixture of granulated blast furnace slag and portland-cement clinker

A Elevation

แปลว่า(English) The top level of the boiler firebox where four oil guns are located. The oil guns are used to produce steam and maintain pressure while the boiler is on oil fire.

Statistical quality assurance

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) techniques for process improvement that are based on measurements of the product and the process

Work flow

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the sequence of tasks that are required to accomplish some activity or action; often (but not always) used in conjunction with software process models

Component reuse

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the ability to reuse a portion of a model, source code, test case, etc.


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The ion or molecule which surrounds or complexes with the central atom or ion.

Project database

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the place where configuration items are kept


แปลว่า(english) A vessel, normally cylindrical, which is used to store fluid and gas for future release of the energy in the compressed fluid and gas. Normally contains a diaphragm or piston between the fluid (liquid) and gas chambers. Fluid is normally introduced at one end and the gas at the opposite end.

Arbitration in the Absence of a Party

แปลว่าวิธีการอนุญาโตตุลาการ ในการตัดสินข้อเรียกร้องหรือข้อพิพาท โดยฝ่ายหนึ่งไม่ได้มาร่วมอยู่ด้วย

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