ค้นเจอ 116 รายการ

knot garden

แปลว่าสวนเล็ก ๆ ที่จัดไว้ในรูปทรงเรขาคณิตตัดต้นไม้เป็นรูปทรง และจัดสีตัดกันของใบไม้

UML (Unified Modeling Language)

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) a comprehensive diagrammatic notation for the analysis and design of software


แปลว่า(english) Copper base alloys in which zinc is the principal alloying element. Brass is harder and mechanically stronger than either of its alloying elements copper or zinc. It is formable and ductile; develops high tensile strength with cold-working and is not heat treatable.



Abrasive 3

แปลว่า(english) A substance capable of grinding away another material.

Ion exchange

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) An adsorption process in which one ion is exchanged for another ion of like charge. There is an equivalence of exchanged charge.


แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The ability of a material or product to reduce or eliminate gaseous transmissions through it's mass; measured as the rate of Water Vapor Transmission (WVT). Note: Not all materials that are waterproof are vaporproof; all materials that are vaporproof are inherently waterproof.


แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The addition of water and remixing of concrete which has started to stiffen: usually not allowed as it may affect the ultimate strength.


แปลว่า(english) Threads,parts,tools and sizes that are not standard, such as, “Bastard Nuts”, “Bastard Plus”, “bastaard fittings and so forth. The term also refers to a standard coarse cut file.

v-notch weir

แปลว่าฝายสามเหลี่ยม : ดู weir, triangular


แปลว่า(Software Engineering) changing software in a way that improves its internal structure but does not change it external behavior; often conducted iteratively as design evolves into code.


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A group of organisms that do not require molecular oxygen. These organisms, as well as all known life forms, require oxygen. These organisms obtain their oxygen from inorganic ions such as nitrate or sulfate or from protein.

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