ค้นเจอ 910 รายการ

Mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS)

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The volatile suspended solids concentration in the activated sludge tank.

Baghouse filter

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A fabric filter device used to remove particulate air pollutants.

igneous rock

แปลว่าหินอัคนี : หินที่เกิดจากการแข็งตัวของหินหนืด (magma) ใต้เปลือกโลก อาจแข็งตัวอยู่ภายในเปลือกโลก (intrusive) หรือพุพันเปลือกโลกออกมาแข็งตัวอยู่บนผิวโลก (extrusive)

Total suspended solids

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) (TSS) is the amount of suspended (filterable) matter in a water.

Bend Radius

แปลว่า(english) The inside radius of a bent section,

Section Modulus:

แปลว่า(english) A property of a cross sectional shape, which depends on shape, and orientation. Section modulus is usually denoted S, and S = I/c, where I = moment of inertia about an axis through the centroid, and c is the distance from the centroid to the extreme edge of the section.

Refuse derived fuel (RDF)

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A fuel derived from the combustible portion of municipal solid waste. The fuel is often processed into small briquettes, similar in size to charcoal.


แปลว่าAn informal measure of the ease with which a user interface can be learned and applied with efficiency and without errors


แปลว่า(Software Engineering) a written description that defines a very specific interaction between a user and a system, often (but not always) written in the form of a usage scenario

Prussian blue



แปลว่า(english) Similar to the concept of center of gravity, except that it applies to a two dimensional shape rather than an object. For a given shape, the centroid location corresponds to the center of gravity for a thin flat plate of that shape, made from a homogeneous material.

drill bushings


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