

Address Him As Your

ตัวอย่างI'm not one of your college friends. Address me as your father.


  • Address Him As Your แปลว่า?, สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษ Address Him As Your ตัวอย่าง I'm not one of your college friends. Address me as your father.


A Bed Of Roses Act As Someone An Axe To Grind As Drunk As A Skunk Blowing Your Top Give Him The Slip Old As The Hills Put Your Foot In Your Mouth Wasting Your Breath Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve What They Don't Know Won't Hurt Them You Bet Your Boots

หาคำศัพท์ไม่เจอ หรือยังไม่เห็นคำที่ต้องการ?


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